Lives Impacted
Successful Completions
Days of Unnecessary Confinement Avoided
Innovative programs with industry leading outcomes.
Once a client begins work with us, we provide structure, support, and life skills to stem the impact of justice involvement and reduce the likelihood of future arrests.

San Francisco Pretrial is on the leading edge of pretrial services, raising the bar with innovative approaches to client support and public safety.
We Promote Public Safety
Our services address underlying issues that can lead to justice system involvement. By improving access to behavioral health treatments, facilitating access to critical public benefits, and securing housing resources, we help steer our clients towards more stable lives.We Improve Court Appearance Rates
Unhoused clients without consistent access to shelter, a computer, or a phone are more likely to miss court, which can lead to a new arrest. We provide outreach services to meet our clients in the community, provide reminders, and escort them when they need additional support.
We Offer Community-Based Solutions
Our staff provide structure, support, and life skills to stem the impact of justice involvement and reduce the likelihood of future arrests for our clients.
We Prevent Unnecessary Pretrial Incarceration
While the presumption if innocence is a cornerstone of our legal system, people awaiting trial have historically been jailed at disproportionately high rates without recourse. Our services alleviate this injustice, as San Francisco judges can release recently arrested people with assurances that our programs are geared towards public safety and client accountability.
We Maintain Local Partnerships
On a local and regional level, we partner with community-based organizations to provide a broad array of resources to our clients. Our extensive network of partnerships ensures that we can find the most effective and resonant resources for each client.
Support Our Mission with Your Donation
Your contribution helps us continue our vital work in promoting fairness, safety, and justice within the pretrial system. Join us in making a difference-every dollar makes an impact. Thank you for your support!