Partner Testimonies

A neutral third party administered an anonymous survey soliciting the feedback of our local partners. The survey was meant to assess the impact of sf pretrial on local communities and the justice system. Here is some of the feedback that we received.

“SF Pretrial […] works well with both the Police and Sheriff’s Departments. They are crucial.”

“PreTrial sees and works toward a vision of the justice system that is safe, just, equitable, and cost effective, and moves away from pricy, wasteful, and harmful incarceration.”

“SF Pretrial helps my organization promote a reduction in unnecessary pretrial detention within our community. As a pretrial services practitioner, I look to SF Pretrial as an innovator of best practices in the field, and a reliable partner who supports fairness and efforts to promote equal justice under the law.”

“They make it possible for our clients to be safely released, help them get connected, and do so in a nonjudgmental, nonthreatening, caring manner. They respond to my inquiries and concerns promptly, whether on behalf of a client or a systemic issue. They administer the PSA in a reliable and expedient manner. SF Pretrial is essential to our criminal legal system.”

“They are the compassionate faces people get to see and interact as they work to get their lives back on balance… SF Pretrial and its partner agencies are a key anchor for already vulnerable individuals.”

“SF Pretrial is a trusted, critical, experienced partner in our system.”

“[They] demonstrate the power of community- based and community-led alternatives to the justice system.”

“SF Pretrial helps maintain public safety.”